Monday, 4 May 2015

Diary Of A Fatman - Post

Yes. It is here. THE POST YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. (not even, but I really wanted to do this so here I am, in the midst of my hayfever tantrum, writing this post for you alllll).

So basically, if you're not familiar with my project, called My Diary Of A Fatman, (which can be found here) it's essentially something I started about 3 years ago.

My passion for books, photography, and food over the last 3 years, has culminated together in to forming my Diary Of A Fatman book. It’s a book I myself created, from the idea through to execution. What started as an attempt to discover more halal food places in London during my university years, translated in to more than just an adventure. 

Instead, it become a form of documentation and cataloguing of the best halal fast food joints, where I took pictures of their food, uploaded it to my instagram and facebook account, tagged them as #MyDiaryOfAFatman - alongside mini reviews for other people to see. 

This idea ran as such for almost 3 years, at the end of which, I had the desire to see my work on paper - I went about uploading and printing these photos in to a hardback book, which I titled Diary Of A Fatman, and inside it’s pages are countless pictures of food I’ve cooked at home and places I’ve eaten at. I used the ever wonderful website Snapfish to upload and create these photos into a book. 

It combines my love of almost everything; photography (getting the perfect shot of a juicy burger is no easy feat!), my admiration for food and my love of books - in this case, one which was borne from my heart and has finally landed on the pages. 

So, being the bookish lovers that you are, I thought you guys might enjoy this post! The book is full of over 160 high quality photos, honestly these shots don't do it justice! Diary Of A Fatman volume 2 is in the works and I'll be making it end of this year :D 

Hope you've enjoyed this post and down below are some sample shots of the kind of photos are in the book - both home made dishes and loads of burgers galore! Enjoy, and wipe that drool. I see it all. Adios!

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