Wednesday, 2 November 2011

"Dead Inside" blog tour! :)

How many times have we heard that the world is going to end? Countless times and countless scenarios have been envisioned as to what will happen when the world is about to wheeze it's last breath. Yet what will happen when Zombies take over? Has anyone thought about that? No? Well it's about time you did.

In the hauntingly beautiful graphic image book published by the awesome Abrams and Chronicles, "Dead Inside" is a collection of notes, letters, images and last words dealt by those who have been plundered by the dead. The letters and notes piece together a world that has been plagued by the dead, who have come back to drag those remaining alive. Little kids drawings, hurried scrawls, last words, amongst so many more others, have been left for us to find in this book, each displaying what could be the final moments of a persons life.
Creepy right? This book is perfect for Halloween so be sure to get your teeth into it on this link and get your own copy!

To give you an insight to the awesome-ness that is this book, check out some pictures that reveal what someone's last words might have been.


Thinking of it now, what would be the last thing you'd want to say before the world was taken over or ended? Words for loved ones? A message of return? Leave any comments below! :)

1 comment:

  1. The thought gives you chills just thinking about it. Sounds a really intriguing book - and sad. Very sad. Am on book ban till after Christmas but it'll definitely go on my wishlist.
