Hello world. It’s me.. Sahina. I’m alive. I’M ALIVE. And this is my message to you…
Okay so it’s been exactly 4 months since I last posted. FOUR. MOTHER. FREAKING. MONTHS. I mean that’s like half the time it takes to have a baby? No, I’m not having a baby, I’m not sure why I use pregnancy as a marker for time lapse. Let’s get the facts straight though.
Factoid 1:
Where have I been in the last 4 months (not in a ditch somewhere, thankfully).
I’ve actually just been really, really busy. That’s all. I wish I could tell you otherwise - I wish I could tell you something amazing and epic and mind-blowing, like I was off on a secret mission for Her Majesty’s Secret Service.. but er nope, nothing of that sort. My internship at HQ (aka Harlequin) was extended from 6 months to 8, and then I landed a job as Digital Marketing Assistant at Harper Impulse, an imprint within Harper Fiction and that’s where I’ve been toiling away for the last 4 months - and I. Love. It.
I’ve made some truly brilliant friends and have been coming out my introvert shell and rather than avoiding any and all social activity after work.. I’ve found myself making even more plans than usual and actually following through with them.
Before.. (ah the great before) I just wanted to come home as soon as work finished, settle down in my room and just unwind. But these days, if I’m not out after work (not everyday, mind) or working away late into the evening in the office.. I almost don’t know what to do with myself. Work and friends are filling an ever empty void which I previously used to fill with books and blogging.. which brings me on to my next part.
Factoid 2:
It’s been almost over 5 months since I read a book. ALMOST. I hear your outcry. I do. Let me explain.
So work has been keeping me busy, and social plans too. All fine and dandy. But the downside? I’ve found that I don’t want to pick up a book. I mean I’ve not completely gone off the deep end, I did read 1 or 2 books during that 5 month period (1, for work bookclub, and 1 for work) which makes the grand total of two. I’ve also started many books - (6, to be exact) but have yet to find the willpower to follow through with finishing them and it weirdly has nothing to do with the books themselves (many of which are really good so far) but it’s just me. IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S ME. Really. That’s what I’ve been shouting at these books as I put them down.
I’m not quite sure what it is, it sounds like a reading slump x 100, and perhaps it is - but deep inside, I’m just so reluctant to pick up a book, and when I do, I put them down after a few pages or chapters and that’s the end. I can’t pick it back up…
ANYWAY. I’m not here to analyse myself (though that’s pretty much what I’ve rambled on about and actually done) BUT I am back to blogging, with the many, MANY reviews the I was intending to write before my ‘reading slump’ began and I’m back in the mood to write and post. I’m also determined to REALLY make time to do this because I love blogging and writing reviews and I need that back in my life. Am I still having trouble finishing a book? Indeed - but I’m hoping that finishing off my backlog of reviews will perhaps re-awaken something in me, but who really knows - my mind is a weirdly wired place.
For the time being.. I just wanted to say HI. I’M ALIVE. I mean I’ve been really active on my Twitter (@Line_Reader) so I’ve not been off the grid or anything and have still been posting on my Instagram (www.instagram.com/reading.in.between.the.lines) it’s just my beloved blog that’s been neglected.. but no more!
What can you expect from your brown girl: stay tuned this week for the review of When Dimple Met Rishi which has been sitting in my ‘finish writing review’ pile for MONTHS. Brace yourself.. it’s going to be a long one, and sadly, not a pleasant one. That’s all I’ll say. For now - I’M GLAD TO BE BACK! #OverAndOut
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